Vaadin 13 Java Base Project Maven Error

Hi, I am new to Vaadin.
I have downloaded de Base project from

I have uncompressed it and import to Eclipse, but I got an error in the pom.xml in the first line
the error states:

Project build error: Non-parseable POM /home/eduard/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin-spring-bom/13.0.3/
 vaadin-spring-bom-13.0.3.pom: in epilog non whitespace content is not allowed but got { (position: END_TAG 
 seen ...</dependencyManagement>\n</project>\n{... @423:2)

If I change the version of Vaadin from 13.0.3 to 12.0.3 there are no problems

I have seen a “.pom” file that is not well formed. From line 423 on, file is wrong with duplicities
17611907.xml (29 KB)

Try deleting /home/eduard/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin-spring-bom/13.0.3/ vaadin-spring-bom-13.0.3.pom and let Maven re-download it. Your version seems to be corrupt for whatever reason and seems fine

Thank you very much Artur!

You hit the nail on the head!