Vaadin 13 and Embedded Jetty

Hello all,

Our project has a requirement to use Jetty instead of Tomcat, and I’m struggling to make the change.

Our application is based off the Bakery starter app.

The console output appears normal when I start the application via spring-boot:run. However, when I load the application in my browser, I see the following exceptions over and over:

org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.UnwriteableSessionDataException: Unwriteable session

Caused by: package_name.AuthenticationService (where AuthenticationService is one of my Spring Security-related classes).

If anyone has run into this issue before, I’d really appreciate a hint.



To follow-up on this, I tried implementing Serializable on my AuthenticationService.

Now, jetty complains that my SecurityConfiguration (which extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter) is not serializable. Implementing Serializable here yields the following:

org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.UnwriteableSessionDataException: Unwriteable session

Caused by:$AuthenticationManagerDelegator

At this point, I can’t control what is serializable (AuthenticationManagerDelegator is part of Spring).
