Styling a web component part inside another web component

If I have a web component like vaadin-combo-box that’s made out of other web components, and I want to target some specific inside part of a sub-component, how do I do it?

I understand I can target a specific part of a web component like this:

  <dom-module id="textfield-theme" theme-for="vaadin-text-field">
	    /* style the "label" parts inside text fields with the "mystyle" class */
          color: darkmagenta;

But how to target a specific part inside a web component that’s inside another part, like the vaadin-text-field’s label inside a vaadin-combo-box?

You can add a theme attribute to the host ComboBox component (adding the attribute with comboBox.getElement().setAttribute("theme", "your-theme")), and it will propagate to the internal <vaadin-text-field> of the ComboBox. After that you can write a style dom-module for vaadin-text-field with :host([theme=“your-theme”]
) … selector to style the text-field internals within that particular ComboBox. For example adding this to your style file

<dom-module id="my-field-theme" theme-for="vaadin-text-field">
) {
			color: red;

would style the text color of the text-field inside that ComboBox red.

Here’s a tutorial on component theming:

Martin Israelsen:
Here’s a tutorial on component theming:

It doesn’t mention the theme attribute thing, though.

Olli Tietäväinen:

Martin Israelsen:
Here’s a tutorial on component theming:

It doesn’t mention the theme attribute thing, though.

You’re absolutely right. I didn’t check whether it did…

At least now there’s a ticket:

Thanks Katri Haapalinna, what you ve suggested works for me :slight_smile:

Note: I edited the above posts to update the links to [vaadin-themable-mixin documentation]
( The content was moved from wiki to readme. Currently the old wiki pages still link forward to the readme, but the wiki pages might get removed in the future.