TreeGrid not working on Vaadin 13

I am using TreeGrid in Vaadin 13, It shows only parents not their Childrens when I am not setting Hierarchy Column and when I setHierarchyColumn it will not show any item in the Grid not parents not their childerns.

following is my code of creating TreeGrid.

private void createGrid() {
        sampleGrid.setItems(treeSamples , TempTreeSample::getChilderns);

        sampleGrid.addColumn(p -> p.getFormatedId()).setHeader("Sample").setId("sample");
        sampleGrid.addColumn(p -> p.getDrawDate() != null ? p.getDrawDate().toLocalDate().toString() : null)
                .setHeader("Draw Date");
        sampleGrid.addColumn(TempTreeSample::getCreateDate).setHeader("Log Date");
        sampleGrid.addColumn(p -> p.getSpecimenType() != null ? p.getSpecimenType().getDescription() : null).setHeader("Type");
        sampleGrid.addColumn(p -> p.getSampleInvalidReason() != null ? p.getSampleInvalidReason().getDescription() : null).setHeader("Description");
        sampleGrid.addColumn(p -> p.getSampleCode() != null ? p.getSampleCode().getDescription() : null).setHeader("Sample Type");
        sampleGrid.addColumn(p -> p.getComment()).setHeader("Comment");
        sampleGrid.addColumn(p -> p.getDiscardDate()).setHeader("Discard");
        sampleGrid.addColumn(p -> "").setHeader("Extracte");
        sampleGrid.addColumn(p -> p.getDiagnosis() != null ? p.getDiagnosis() : null).setHeader("Diagnosis");
        sampleGrid.addColumn(p -> p.getCreateBy()).setHeader("Logged By");
        sampleGrid.addColumn(p -> p.getUserField1()).setHeader("UserField 1");
        sampleGrid.addColumn(p -> p.getUserField2()).setHeader("UserField 2");

//        sampleGrid.setHierarchyColumn("sample");

3 Months and no answer so far ? I have the same Problem. Migrating from Vaadin 8 → 13 broke the functionality of the TreeGrid for me.

Nevermind, somehow it is working now. Just changed the first column to a HierarchyColumn.

Can you show how you are creating the TreeGrid instance (sampleGrid in this case)?

Have you noticed that the JavaDoc for [setHierarchyColumn()]
( has this note?

Note: This method can only be used for a TreeGrid created from a bean type with TreeGrid(Class).

Maybe you’d like to use [addHierarchyColumn()]
( instead like in the TreeGrid demos at

I’m pretty new to this Java API myself (I’m more familiar with the JavaScript side), just trying to give some hints on why it might not have worked for you.