Can DataSeriesItem be grouped together for Vaadin Charts (Spline Graph)?

I have an existing data set that I would to turn it into a spline graph based on the[ Time Data with Irregular Intervals sample chart.]

| Outlet   | EOD Date   | EOD Time |
| -------- | -------- --| -------- |
| MY011    | 2019-03-10 | 9.15     |
| MY012    | 2019-03-07 | 21.3     |
| MY012    | 2019-03-09 | 21.41    |
| MY012    | 2019-03-10 | 9.32     |
| MY015    | 2019-03-07 | 21.27    |
| MY015    | 2019-03-09 | 21.33    |

Note: The EOD time has been converted into a numerical double so that I can pass the value for the DataSeriesItem constructor.

What I would want to accomplish is to group the data above into three DataItems instead of six, based on the outlets. As a result, in the line chart, using MY012 as an example, the two other lines (aka Series) overlapped one another. I’ve attempted to divide the data into three dataseries (each represents day) but as shown in the attached screenshot below but without success.

Currently, the piece code that I’ve written is around in this form for that is as follows:

//the objlist is the dataset above
if(objList != null && !objList.isEmpty()){
           for(int i=0; i<objList.size(); i++){
                skuLogger.debug("Current outlet is: " + location);
                Object row = objList.get(i);
                Object[] doj = (Object[]
                DataSeriesItem dsItem = new DataSeriesItem(doj[1]
                if(ds.getName() != null && location.equalsIgnoreCase(doj[0]
                    skuLogger.debug("ds name is not null: " + ds.getName() + "record number " + (i+1));
                    location = doj[0]
                }else if(ds.getName() == null || !location.equals(doj[0]
.toString())) {
                    skuLogger.debug("ds name is null - create new, record number " + (i+1));
                    ds = new DataSeries();
                    location = doj[0]
                    skuLogger.debug("ds name after set : " + ds.getName() +"record number " + (i+1));

Can grouping DataSeriesItems be accomplished here? If not, what other alternatives can be considered? Any other feedback would be appreciated.
