Heatmap for Indoor Plan

We have a new requirement where we need to implement a heatmap for an indoor floor plan for a mall. The floor plan is a .png or a .jpg image that is uploaded (image size width cap is 1300 pixels). On abstract the process flow would be like:

  • a) Upload the floor plan images (e.g if the building is a four-stories tall, then we upload four images).
  • b) Coordinates for a location / store is taken from the image and linked to the outlet data.
  • c) Heat for a location varies on the turnover based on the date period range defined.

I’ve seen the v-leaflet addons but it is more for the geographical level. I am not sure what would be the best approach to implement that requirement above in Vaadin / Java format. I’ve also checked the Vaadin Chart hea demo tmap but it does not address the requirement needed

Any advise on this?