Vaadin Flow (10+) standard page title


i want to set a standard page title without defining it in every route class (but for example in the main layout). Is there a simple way to do this? I just could find the following link to define it for a single route class:
[Vaadin Tutorial]


I found a “workaround” for this:

public class MainLayout extends VerticalLayout implements AfterNavigationObserver, RouterLayout{
    public void afterNavigation(AfterNavigationEvent event) {
		// titleProvider can be whatever, and may generate the title via event.getLocation() or similar means

However, this solution does not seem to work on the initial entering of the application (at least it does not in my case). Also it seems to be more of a hack because it just overrides whatever is doing in its updatePageTitle method

I found that I can configure the title dynamically by implementing the PageConfigurator on a layout, and adding code as follows:

    public void configurePage(InitialPageSettings settings) {
        settings.addInlineWithContents(InitialPageSettings.Position.PREPEND, "<title>Foobar</title>", InitialPageSettings.WrapMode.NONE);