is it posible to create a form on the fly?

Hello, is it possible to generate a form on the fly?, a part of my app need to let an user define/design his own form, is it posible? I had a similar functionality on an older app, but I want to build this version on a different way, on the previous app function something like this:

The user created a form on a designer app, and saved the info to build the form on a json, and on the code I read the json and created the form when an user opened, something like:

	"fieldType": "textbox",
	"caption": "name",
	"fieldType": "combobox",
	"caption": "favorite colors",


public Component getFormField(FormField info){
	Component field
	switch (info.getFormFieldType()) {
            case textbox:
				field = generateTextbox(info);
			case Combobox:
				field = generateCombobox(info);
			case default;
			field = null;
		return field;

something like that.

The cons was that I couldn’t add all the attributes that a field could require, only the most common, and I can’t add functions to the form actions on this way, for example, enable/disable fields, or refresh a combo data based on a previous selection of other combo.

I would like to generate a file that I could later edit something like:


and if the user need to edit a field or add functionality to the form, do it directly to this files obviously without the necessity of restarting the application.