AbstractAppRouterLayout - Connection Lost


I’m trying to use the AbstractAppRouterLayout in a simalar way like in the Bakery-Demo. But I get the message “Server connection lost, trying to reconnect…” everytime.

@PWA(name = "...", shortName = ".,
		startPath = "",
		backgroundColor = "#227aef", themeColor = "#227aef")
public class MainView extends AbstractAppRouterLayout {

	private final VerticalLayout contentArea;

	protected void configure(AppLayout appLayout, AppLayoutMenu menu) {
	public MainView() {
		this.contentArea = new VerticalLayout();

@Route(value = RouteConstants.START, layout = MainView.class)
public class LandingView extends VerticalLayout{
	public LandingView() {

The “Connection Lost” message appears only for the views which are annotated with “@Route(value = …, layout = MainView.class)”.
At the moment there are no other action than building the frontend, no database or webservice call…

The problem disappears if I don’t add any menu items.

Any suggestions?

Best Regards.