Vaadin Designer layout expansion and alignment.

I’m a long time vaadin 7/8 developer trying to come to grips with vaadin flow and in particular I’m playing with the designer.

Given my 7/8 background I’m looking for ways to align/expand elements/layouts like we have always done with 7/8.

I’m beginning to wonder if I’m looking for the wrong thing.

Does flow/designer expect a developer to use raw css/styles to do alignment expansions?

Hello Brett,

at the moment there are no layout tools in Designer for Vaadin V10 and above. There is a smaller number of layout components in Flow in general compared to V7 and V8. You can work with the available layouts in Designer but you have to know a bit of CSS to do the expansions/alignments, just like you were wondering.


I’ve always liked vaadin because you didn’t have to get involved with css.