Follow link in <vaadin-button>

Hi all,

I am having some troubles to make a link to an external page working.

In the service, I set my models when the page is loaded:

protected void onAttach(final AttachEvent event) {

In the HTML template, I use dom-repeat to display the provided actions:

<template is="dom-repeat" items="[[actions]
]" as="action">
        <vaadin-button on-click="get">
            <iron-icon icon="lumo:arrow-down"/>

To get a callback from the click, In the service I have the following callback:

private void get(@ModelItem("event.model.action") final ModelAction action) {
    // TODO: follow link to http://external-page/id=action.getIdentifier()

In this callback, I would like to navigate to http://external-page/id=<action identifier>. How can this be done?

I am having a hard time to figure this out. The resources I find are either talking about Vaadin v10/v8, or are using Anchor as available in v12, but I don’t know how I could link a Java Anchor to a <vaadin-button> within a dom-repeat in my HTML page. That said, I am also not sure if I should use an Anchor at all. Basically, all I want to do is follow a link to an external website.

Thank you!

Maybe you can just wrap the <vaadin-button> element with an <a href=""> tag?

Olli Tietäväinen:
Maybe you can just wrap the <vaadin-button> element with an <a href=""> tag?

That worked great, thank you! I did not really think about that, doh. I was in the mindset that I really needed that on-click callback in my Java service.


Sometimes the simple, obvious answer needs pointing out :slight_smile:
