Setting combobox items depending on other combobox value


I’m trying to set items to combobox depending on other combobox value, but I’m getting errors and it doesn’t work. If I make a new combobox every time to set items, it works, but then I also have to create a new valuechangelistener under the combobox which I’m getting the value from and that’s not the proper way.

For example:

                    if (combobox1.getValue().equals("1")) {
                    } else if (combobox1.getValue().equals("2")) {

(TypeError) : Cannot read property ‘reset’ of undefined
(TypeError) : Cannot read property ‘confirm’ of undefined
(TypeError) : Cannot read property ‘set’ of undefined
(TypeError) : Cannot read property ‘updateSize’ of undefined

While this one works:

                    if (combobox1.getValue().equals("1")) {
                        combobox2 = new Combobox<>();
                       combobox2.addValueChangeListener(e-> {
                    } else if (combobox1.getValue().equals("2")) {
                        combobox2 = new ComboBox<>();
                        combobox2.addValueChangeListener(e-> {

How it should be done? Using Vaadin 12.

You might be hitting this bug:


Yep, setItems(“”) fixed it. Thanks for the quick answer!