Dependencies to SNAPSHOT versions


I am experiencing a problem that seems so weird to me that I am not quiet sure whether its an actual problem or I am doing something wrong.

I have a project with Maven dependency to:


But Maven does not build, because it cannot resolve all sub dependencies. In the log it reads:

Failed to collect dependencies at com.vaadin:vaadin-core:jar:12.0.3 -> com.vaadin:vaadin-grid-flow:jar:2.1.3 -> com.vaadin:vaadin-context-menu-flow:jar:1.2.1: Failed to read artifact descriptor for com.vaadin:vaadin-context-menu-flow:jar:1.2.1: Failure to find com.vaadin:flow-component-base:pom:1.2-SNAPSHOT

So a sub dependency flow-component-base:1.2-SNAPSHOT is refered to from the released vaadin-core:12.0.3… seemed weird at first, but then I looked into the code of the last found dependency in the hierarchy, which is vaadin-context-menu-flow:1.2.1:

As you can see this is your released, tagged version, but it refers to SNAPSHOTs in parent-pom and dependency. Obviously, SNAPSHOTs are not uploaded to, so maven cannot receive it from there and my build fails.

I assume something went wrong with your release process, or is this some problem on my side?

Regards, Tobias


You are right that there was a dependency issue with vaadin-context-menu:1.2.1 but it has been fixed in vaadin-context-menu:1.2.2. The new version has been included since vaadin-core:12.0.2 but unfortunately, the vaadin-grid-flow:2.1.3 still uses the old vaadin context menu (which is already fixed in vaadin-grid-flow:2.1.4 which will be in the next maintenance release of vaadin-core).

So for now, when you use vaadin-core:12.0.3, it should pick vaadin-context-menu:1.2.2 since the version has been pinned in vaadin-bom:12.0.3. If it doesn’t work in that way, please try to clean the project and remove vaadin-context-menu-flow from your local repository (in the .m2 folder) and build the project again.

If it still doesn’t work, please try to declare vaadin-grid-flow:2.1.4 next to vaadin-core dependency and see if it help.

Sorry for the problem, we will try to fix it soon.

