Vaadin 13 pre-release versions anywhere?

Are there any pre-release (alpha/beta) versions of Vaadin Flow 13 available somehere?

The web site keeps changing, finding new places to hide the pre-release info.

The [old releases page]
( no longer has all the info. It now has only a description of features of the latest release, Vaadin 12.

The [Starter page]
( briefly had pre-release links some weeks ago, but they have gone.

The [RoadMap page]
( says v13 is due in only 3 months, yet has no information about its development nor links to access any pre-release product.

The [GitHub page]
( provides no clues about pre-releases.

I am trying to help out with testing, but Vaadin Ltd. is not making this easy.

There does not yet seem to be any pre-releases for 13. I would expect the first alpha to be released in the near future, after which it will be available at least on the GitHub page you linked, possibly also on the starter page.

Looking at [the roadmap]
(, the beta will be released on the 6th of February.

Will be nested Navigation with CDI be possible in vaadin 13.

Is there a feature list what will be implemented in vaadin 13?

hans-georg gloeckler:

Is there a feature list what will be implemented in vaadin 13?

Look at that roadmap link posted by Erik Lumme above. It shows a column of tiles for each upcoming version. Each tile seems to be a feature. I do not know if that list is exhaustive.

13.0.0.alpha1 is now available

I hear that it will be added to and under pre-releases when it has reached beta.

When I used vaadin 11 the navigation was fine but with 12.3 it was full of errors, will 13 be better?

Or has the routing changed?

Bob John:
When I used vaadin 11 the navigation was fine but with 12.3 it was full of errors, will 13 be better?

Have you reported these errors?