BakeryApp Starter: Could not resolve dependencies


just downloaded the BakeryApp Starter and tried to execute maven install goal.
However install failes with the following error:

Failed to execute goal on project my-starter-project: Could not resolve dependencies for project xxx:my-starter-project:war:1.0-SNAPSHOT: Failed to collect dependencies at org.vaadin.artur:spring-data-provider:jar:2.0.0: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.vaadin.artur:spring-data-provider:jar:2.0.0: Could not find artifact com.vaadin:vaadin-bom:pom:10.0.0.beta9

Looking at it seems that spring-data-provider in fact requires the beta9 from vaadin-pom which is however not available as listed here:

I did not customize the pom.xml in any way.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!