Vaadin 12.0.1 Unable to resolve: vaadin-context-menu-flow

Vaadin 12.0.1 Unable to resolve: vaadin-context-menu-flow
After sync gradle with Idea, Idea highlights vaadin-context-menu-flow unable to resolve:

Hello Vitalii,

there was a problem in the release of vaadin-context-menu-flow 1.2.1.

You can change vaadin version to 12.0.0 and it works.

Another option is to use vaadin-context-menu-flow 1.2.2.

Hello, Diego,
Sure, I downgraded to 12.0.0.
I use vaadin-spring-boot-starter and it depends on vaadin-context-menu-flow 1.2.1.
Let’s wait for 12.0.2 with correct vaadin-context-menu-flow.