URL request issues for multiple servlets


My application has two servlets: a custom servlet with servlet-mapping “rc” , and a Vaadin servlet with mapping “vc”. For all ui requests , the custom servlet would forward to Vaadin servlet to process. If the servlet request is something like: localhost:8080/contextroot/rc/?ui=logon, the process worked well. However, if we changed the request to something like: “localhost:8080/contextroot/rc?ui=logon”, the process failed. After checking the browser debug for the latter case, I found that all external resource loading paths which Vaadin required became something like: “localhost:8080/frontend/bower_components/vaadin-button/theme/lumo/vaadin-button.html”. It seems that all loading paths went up one level directory. I am wondering why is that. Please kindly advise.

Best regards,

Sorry to mention that I am using Vaadin 11.0.3.


There are some known cases where there has been failures when Flow app has been in non-root context, there is ticket in GitHub about this:


The ticket suggested that resolution is a candidate of V12. However, I ran with 12.0.0.beta2, and it still failed with my case. Would it be solved in the near future?