Button with theme primary success disable doesn't look disabled

Hi, when I set a button with theme primary success, the button doesn’t look disabled.

<vaadin-button class="test-button" disabled="" role="button" theme="primary success" aria-disabled="true"><iron-icon icon="vaadin:plus" disabled=""></iron-icon><span>Disabled Button</span></vaadin-button>`

Looks like this:

But previous Valo theme (tested from [here]
(https://cdn.vaadin.com/vaadin-valo-theme/2.0.0-alpha5/demo/buttons.html) with inspect element change setting to add disabled) looks like this:

<vaadin-button theme="success primary" role="button" disabled="" aria-disabled="true">Primary</vaadin-button>

Hi. That looks like a bug, please create an issue to the https://github.com/vaadin/vaadin-button/issues repository. Thanks

Pekka Hyvönen:
Hi. That looks like a bug, please create an issue to the https://github.com/vaadin/vaadin-button/issues repository. Thanks

Hi Pekka,

issue created [here]
(https://github.com/vaadin/vaadin-button/issues/115). Thanks.