Spring Scopes @ViewScope is not working with @UIScope views- Why?

Vaadin Spring Scopes seem to be very useful. There usage is explained here: https://vaadin.github.io/spring-tutorial/

But when you try to use the Scope @UIScope-View with @ViewScope-Component together YOU WILL FAIL (as documented):
Assume that we have a view with a @UIScope - due to the fact that this view SHOULD not be created every time you navigate to it. This is because the view should keep its state. The code is as follows:

public void MyView {

ViewScopedComponent1 comp1;

ViewScopedComponent2 comp2;

public class ViewScopedComponent1 {

ViewScopedComponent2 comp2; ← DI injexts automatically view scoped component2 to communicate with

public class ViewScopedComponent2 {

ViewScopedComponent1 comp1; ← DI injexts automatically view scoped component1 to communicate with

This will FAIL with Vaddin 8.x but it would have been very useful if this could be managed.
Even I have seen this demonstrated on vaddin Dev Day 2017 : https://de.slideshare.net/PeterLehto/vaadin-devday-2017-di-your-ui Chart 78.

But the difference in all samples is: The views with @ViewScoped Components are NOT @UIScope. Which creates the complete new view instance everytime to navigate to it. Very sad because if you want to keep the state of your view with @UIScope you have to connect all your components manually without DI.

Any ideas? I worked many days on this…to find any workaround…
Thanks for any help.