Get client date with its Timezone, or datePicker with java Instant


Using id ‘com.devsoap.vaadin-flow’ version ‘1.0.0.M6’, I want to have smth similar to DatePicker but takes data as java.Instant.

Is there available component already ?

If i need to do it manually, how to get client timeZone Id ?

ZoneId userZoneId = ZoneId.of(new WebBrowser().getTimeZoneId());
        getFormLayout().add(new DatePicker("Start:") {{
                            it -> LocalDate.ofInstant(it.getStart(), userZoneId),
                            (it, value) -> it.setStart(value.atStartOfDay(userZoneId).toInstant())

this my snippet code from my editorDialog constructor… but it return NPE in ZoneId.of(new WebBrowser().getTimeZoneId()) . cause getTimezoneId() return null.

how to solve it ? to get date as java.instant or to get user’s webbrowser time zone… ?

thank you in advance