How to add checkbox or combobox into Grid column?

In Vaadin instance, the coding
grid.addColumn(new NativeButtonRenderer<>(“Button”))
Add a button in Grid column. But if I want to add a checkbox or combobox into grid, which class can be used?
Many thanks.

Hi, apparently you seem to use Flow and Vaadin Platform. I recommend you to check section Using Components with Grid here

It does not have example for CheckBox, but has example for TextField and Button. CheckBox and ComboBox usage should be analogous to TextField.

I found that in Vaadin 14 if you try something like this:

grid.addColumn(person -> {
            Checkbox checkbox = new Checkbox();
            checkbox.setValue( person.hasFiles() );
            return checkbox;
        }).setHeader("Has Files").setKey("hasFiles");

you will see that the column doesn’t render and will see something like this for each row:


to fix that, you only need to wrap the checkbox component into a ComponentRenderer like this

                new ComponentRenderer<>(
                        person -> {
                            Checkbox checkbox = new Checkbox();
                            checkbox.setValue( person.hasFiles() );                            
                            return checkbox;
        ).setHeader("Has Files").setKey("hasFiles");