Have it an multi-upload ways upload file in component Upload?

I need to upload file ,but it can’t select multi-files so the Upload can only upload a file for one time,
Have it an multi-upload ways for multi-selected files while upload file in component Upload?
I use Upload upload = new Upload(“select file here”, receiver);
upload.setButtonCaption(“start upload”);

In Vaadin 7 and 8 Upload component does not support multiple files. But you have couple of options. If you are using Vaadin 8, you could use FileDropTarget instead, which supports uploading multiple files (see example here: https://vaadin.com/docs/v8/framework/advanced/advanced-dragndrop.html). Or you could use [EasyUploads add-on]
(https://vaadin.com/directory/component/easyuploads), which also supportss uploading multiple files in a batch.