Data types for Polymer array/object proeprties


What kinds of getter/setter data types need to be defined for Polymer array/object properties?

Best regards,

In the implementation of the template model create a method that matches the polymer field/attribute (get/set + polymer attribute):

@Include({"name", "email", "phone"})
void setDeliveryTeam(List<Employee> deliveryTeam);

@Include annotation allows to select the fields of the object that you want to include.

In the case of having incompatibles types between java and polymer, @Encode annotation needs to be used:

@Include({"id","name", "url","docType"}) // id is necessary to identify the document(save, delete)
@Encode(value = LongToStringEncoder.class, path = "id")
@Encode(value = DocumentTypeToStringEncoder.class, path = "docType")
void setDocuments(List<Document> documents);

Thanks a lot. It seems to be quite complicated to comprehend. I am new to this framework. Are there any examples which I can take for references?

Best regards,