Async Manager for Vaadin Flow

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(\n\n# Async Manager for Vaadin Flow\nAsync Manager is a simple helper that comes to the rescue when you need to do some heavy computation and update views in a deferred manner. It is very easy to use:\n\njava\nAsyncManager.register(this, asyncTask -> {\n SomeData result = doHeavyLifting();\n asyncTask.push(() -> showData(result));\n})\n\n\nBut don’t stop here, read the [full story]
(\n\nThe following features are implemented:\n- Push and polling modes\n- Adaptive polling intervals (for example, 5 times per first second, then once per second)\n- Automatic worker thread termination when user leaves the view or UI is detached\n- Thread pooling\n- Support for custom exception handlers (for logging or reporting)\n