Errror on production mode compilation

I get this maven error on compilation. There is nothing which would get me closer to the problem, even if I enable maven debug logging with -X.

Execution default of goal com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin:11.0.1:package-for-production failed: named capturing group is missing trailing ‘}’

Any idea anyone?

If you’re using eclipse, try selecting your project(s), then press alt+f5 (maven refresh). Select applicable checkboxes. Also, try adding “clean” as a goal.
I am not sure if this is the genuine way to package your product (unless you want to do this as a part of automation). Try right clicking and then exporting from package explorer (again, if you’re on eclipse).

I cannot recall that I would have ever seen an error like this. Sounds like a caching issue maybe. You can also validate your pom using xml validator, maybe you have a bracket related syntax error.
UPDATE: maybe check character encoding of your pom.

Thanks for your input. I’m using maven to compile the stuff not doing it inside eclipse/intellij. I checked your suggestions but that wasn’t my problem.

The problem was cause because I had a ${} in the version attribute. It was a pom.xml error, thanks Tamas for pointing me to the right direction.