Style custom Java component on Grid ItemDetail render

I have a problem when I have to style a Java component that must appear as a detail of a Gird row.
This is my scenario: A Html Page UserView (with style) → Java class with the correct tag.
In my java implementation I add a Grid with Items to show and it works fine.
But when I click to see the ItemDetails the componet appears without style :frowning:

grid.setItemDetailsRenderer(new ComponentRenderer<Div, UserDetail>(data -> {
		 Div div = new Div();
		 div.addClassNames("center-rows", "row-details");
		 retun div;

When this component is rendered the css classes are not present in the Vaadin-Grid shadowRoot (but in the UserView only)…you can imagine the result!

Where am I doing wrong? How can this situation be fixed?
It works only adding the css classes in the sharedstyle…is this the unique way to address this problem?


Hi! It would help to see the resulting DOM.

From what I gather from your description, you did not expect that the <div class="center-rows row-details"> ends up in the light DOM of the grid and not inside the shadow DOM of it. If so, then that is expected and the correct behavior.

let me explain my situation.

I have an HTML page, user-view where I use a vaadin Grid.

<dom-module id="user-view">
    <style include="shared-styles">
		display: flex;
		justify-content: center;
		align-items: center;
	    background-color: gray;

    <vaadin-grid id="user-grid" theme="orders no-row-borders"></vaadin-grid>


In my Java class I work with the Grid adding Items as well.
After that I need to add a ItemDetail as I wrote previously.

grid.setItemDetailsRenderer(new ComponentRenderer<Div, UserDetail>(data -> {
		 Div div = new Div();
		 div.addClassNames("center-rows", "row-details");
		 retun div;

Creating a my custom component Java side.

My question is: Where I need to add the view-detail Div css classes definition to be sure that they could work as my expectation?

As you can see I add their definition in user-view page, but it does not work.
Looking the HTML code, using the browser console, I can see the css classes in the #shadow-root

Can you explain me how can I solve this problem?

I have the same problem if I add the same Java component as grid column

Thanks a lot