Vaadin Charts 4 formating.


I am trying to get custom formatting for date/time in vaadin charts on the y-axis. I want to use moment.js library functions to use for formatting the data. I am using Vaadin 8.

The way I am currently trying to do it is using the cdn for moment.js.

public class QuickChart {

 YAxis ya = new YAxis();
 String loadMoment = "try {"
                            + "var script = document.createElement('script');"
                            + "script.src = \"\";"
                            + "document.head.appendChild(script);"
                            + "} catch(e) {"
                            + "alert('first one'); }";
 String js = "function() {";
 js += "try {"
	 + "alert(moment.utc('2013-12-01').valueOf());"
     + "return g;}"
     + "catch(e) {"
     + "alert(e);} }";

But it throws a reference exception. Is there another way of loading JS libraries to vaadin charts?