Cloud Vaadin10 csrf/xsrf-token in request

Hi everyone,
we are currently developing apps for a cloud system, which uses csrf-tokens in http request headers to authorize communication between the client (browser) and the server (spring-vaadin10-app running in the cloud). Could you give me an advice on how to add such a header to requests sent by vaadin-client or how to configure them? The required token is provided by the cloud, but i don’t know how to configure requests sent by vaadin internally. Currently every request (e.g. pressing a button which pastes a string into a textfield) will be blocked and responded by “POST 403: MSG exception: Invalid CSRF Token ‘null’ was found on the request parameter ‘_csrf’ or header ‘X-XSRF-TOKEN’.”

If you need more information, please let me know.

Thanks and regards,


i found a solution by editing vaadin-client to add a header with needed csrf token to every request. If someone needs the code, i will post it as soon as possible.


Hi Sebastian!
I have similar problem in nginx environment. I need to add some extra headers to every internal vaadin requests. Could you share your solution?

Best regards, Viktor

Hi Viktor,
I managed to modify the client-server communication by editing flow-client/src/main/java/com/vaadin/client/gwt/elemental/js/util/

There are two ‘request(…)’ methods and both should add the required header by using “xhr.setRequestHeader(HEADER, VALUE);”.

Regards, Sebastian

Hi Sebastian!
Thank you for your answer!!!
I will give a try with file!

Best regards, Viktor

Hi Sebastian!

Finally, I have found the mentioned Xhr.class file, in the next jar file: gwt.elemental 2.08 on the next path: client.js.util.Xhr.class.

There are 2 request methods, as you told me, but I can’t override or hide that private static methods. How can I do that? Have you any idea?

Thanx, Viktor

Hi Viktor,

I know this is not a simple way, but i checked out vaadin-flow from github, customized the Xhr and built a new jar with maven.
(Xhr is contained in vaadin-flow/flow-client subproject: vaadin-flow\flow-client\src\main\java\com\vaadin\client\gwt\elemental\js\util\
After that you just have to declare to use your custom flow-client instead of default flow-client.

Regards, Sebastian