How to use Stream in vaadin-spring project

How to use streams in spring jparepository.
I am using follwing way

	   public interface CustomerRepository extends JpaRepository<Customer, Long> {

		@Query("select   c from  Customer c")
		Stream<Customer> getAllFirstNames();


	@RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.GET)
	public  Stream<Customer> podItems()  {
		System.out.println("enter into method");

  try (Stream<Customer> customers = repo.getAllFirstNames()){
	  System.out.println("enter into try block");
		return customers;

whenever i call that method i got error like
**You're trying to execute a streaming query method without a surrounding transaction that keeps the connection open so that the Stream can actually be consumed. Make sure the code consuming the stream uses @Transactional or any other way of declaring a (read-only) transaction.**