Beverage Demo und IE11 (Vaadin 10) does not work


we tried to use the “Beverage Buddy App for Vaadin Flow” to start our first Vaadin 10 project. Everything works, until we use the Internet Explorer 11. Chrome and Firebird work’s properly.

I think there is a problem with the Polymer library. If we use the F12 Debugger on IE we see a problem with calling a method : “ElementMixin”.

Do we have to add some libraries in the pom.xml?

Best regards
Benjamin Hirschkorn


IE11 does not run ES6 JavaScript, thus transpilation to ES5 is needed, which is done by this

mvn jetty:run -Dvaadin.productionMode

Hello Tatu,

thank you for your reply.

Now i get this error:

Failed to find the bundle manifest file 'frontend://vaadin-flow-bundle-manifest.json' in the servlet context for 'ES6' browsers. If you are running a dev-mode servlet container in maven e.g. jetty:runchange it tojetty:run-exploded. If you are not compiling frontend resources, include the 'vaadin-maven-plugin' in your build script. Otherwise, you can skip this error either by disabling production mode, or by setting the servlet parameter 'original.frontend.resources=true'.