Spring-session-redis add-on: Full page reload after successful file upload


I have a Vaadin 8 application with Spring Session Redis enabled in it. The application works for the most part but it always fails in a specific situation: There is a data management page and a windows pops up with the possible management options, including a file upload. Clicking on the file upload an other window appears with a grid on it containing the previously uploaded files and an upload component for new uploads.

With redis enabled, every time an upload succeeds, the following warning is thrown:

c.v.s.communication.ServerRpcHandler : Unexpected message id from the client. Expected: 3, got: 4

After the warning the page reloads.

I made a simple application showcasing the problem: https://github.com/S0m30n384/vaadin-redis-upload-problem

Can anybody explain this behaviour? What could be the solution? (Modifying the UI should be avoided.)