What is the WAR deployment structure of Vaadin 10


I am using the latest version IntelliJ to create the example project (with default project creation wizard, not Maven). However, I couldn’t get the example run on Wildfly. Do I need to use the same directory structure as Maven-based download(like frontend/…)?

Best regards,

Hi Joey. Your best bet is to use the starter that you can download from vaadin.com/start. IntelliJ support for maven projects is excellent and everything should work out of the box.

Hi, Mac,

Thanks. Yes, we downloaded that starter, and worked out fine. The reason why we still need to try non-Maven approach is that our old applications were developed upon traditional deployment, and we hope to use Vaadin 10 to re-design our applications’ UI/UX, while retaining business logics. We are thinking how to reuse existed deployment structure. Another reason is that we are not familiar with Maven, and we have little time to learn that.

Best regards,

What I would suggest in your case is:
a) use starter to generate skeleton project
b) copy existing source code to skeleton project

By the way - how do you build your application now?

There are two main reasons I am recommending to start using Maven:

  1. Dependency management - maven provides you with excellent tools to deal with dependencies like Vaadin, additional components etc.
  2. The only no-nonsense way to build deployment war file for production use is currently to use vaadin maven plugin, so you’ll end up with having to use it anyway. That’s because vaadin maven plugin does things like JavaScript transpilation so that your app can be viewed in ancient browsers like IE 11.

Our existed applications were deployed in EAR package with EJB included. We used to use application.xml and web.xml to define the deployment structure. We are not familiar with Maven. Any advices of how to define this?

Best regards,