Custom styles are loaded before Lumo styles

Hello everyone!
I have a problem with Vaadin styling.

I have a WidokGlowny(MainView) class:

@HtmlImport(value = "styles/vaadin-textfield.html")
@HtmlImport(value = "styles/vaadin-textarea.html")
@HtmlImport(value = "styles/vaadin-checkbox.html")
@HtmlImport(value = "styles/vaadin-radiobutton.html")
public class WidokGlowny extends FlexLayout implements RouterLayout {

I’m importing there a few custom styles for vaadin components.
For example this is a preview of what is inside a vaadin-textfield.html:

<dom-module id="my-text-field-styles" theme-for="vaadin-text-field">
		:host(.wrap-label) [part="label"]
		     white-space: normal;
		     background-color: white;
		     border: 1px var(--lumo-contrast-5pct) solid;
) [part="input-field"]
		     background-color: var(--lumo-contrast-10pct);


I’m not adding any of vaadin input components to WidokGlowny.

Next I have another class:

@Route(value = "wnioski", layout = WidokGlowny.class)
public class Wnioski extends Div implements RouterLayout, LocaleChangeObserver {

I’m only adding here vaadin buttons.

And finally I have:

@Route(value = "wnioski/wymiana", layout = Wnioski.class)
public class WymianaKartyPobytu extends Wniosek implements LocaleChangeObserver {

I’m adding here vaadin input components, text-fields, text-areas, radiobuttons, checkboxes

Everything on page looks like in attachment Bez tytułu.png

And here goes the problem. When I go directly to page []
( everything looks good. My styles are added after vaadin styles:

But when I go to []
( and then when I click button, which navigates me to []
(, my styles are added before vaadin styles, so nothing looks like I wanted.

Am I doing something wrong?


Hi Michal,

i just checked the code you provided here. At the following part, the two annotation should not be used together in this way.

@Route(value = "wnioski", layout = WidokGlowny.class)
public class Wnioski extends Div implements RouterLayout, LocaleChangeObserver {

in this case, i think you should remove the @parentlayout annotation
It is kind of confusing to use at the moment and we have an issue with mixed using these two annotations,
Not sure this is the issue to cause this problem, but could you verify this firstly?


Hi Zhe,

I removed the annotation, but the page []
( looks now like this:

but it shoud look like this:

So as you can see, the annotation is important, because when I remove the annotation, router layouts paths are:
Wnioski > WymianaKartyPobytu (all imports from WidokGlowny are not present), but it should be:
WidokGlowny > Wnioski > WymianaKartyPobytu

Maybe I will explain how my layouts work.

So I have MainLayout(WidokGlowny), I have there menu, footer etc., also I override method showRouterLayoutContent to add elements in specific place (between top menu and bottom footer).

Then I have Wnioski. I override here method showRouterLayoutContent too. When someone go to page []
( parameter ‘HasElement’ of the method showRouterLayoutContent is null, so I know that I can add only buttons (each button navigates to other view (children layouts of Wnioski layout for eg. WymianaKartyPobytu)). But when somebody goes to []
( parameter is not null, so I remove all children of Wnioski (buttons), and I add parameter (example WymianaKartyPobytu).

I will show you on images:
Situation, when user is on []

Then when user clicks button, which navigates to WymianaKartyPobytu ([]
(, the layouts looks like this:

So when I removed the annotation @Parentlayout the WidokGlowny was not present. So page crashed.
