Vaadin Push not working (404)

I have a issue with push notification (Liferay 6.2/Wildfly 10). When I add @Push(transport=Transport.WEBSOCKET_XHR), on servlet load in chrome inspector I get:

WebSocket connection to ‘ws://;%20charset=UTF-8&X-atmo-protocol=true’ failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404

vaadinPush.debug.js?v=8.4.1:3259 Websocket closed, reason: Connection was closed abnormally (that is, with no close frame being sent). - wasClean: false

I’ve added in Wildfly Server:
- vaadin-push.jar and atmosphere-framework.jar in WEB-INF/lib
- extracted VAADIN folder from vaadin-push.jar in html/VAADIN

and vaadin-push and atmosphere-runtime in my pom.xml

Any suggestion?

Push is not supported in portlet environments such as Liferay, only with servlet deployments. There is an experimental addon for push in Liferay which might help:

Thanks Artur! It works perfectly on Vaadin 8.4.1/Liferay 6.2 GA5.
I’ve seen addon exists since 2/3 years, it’s pretty stable and can be deployed in a production environment?

Ps You’ve save me a lot of time, you’ve a beer paid in Rome :slight_smile:

Nice to hear it works. I am not using it myself but there are no issues reported except that Liferay 7 support would be nice, and there should be no fundamental problems with the approach. Just keep in mind that it will open a separate push connnection for each portlet on the same page.

Dear all,
it is not clear how to use the addon in Vaadin 8 and Liferay 7, using OSGi.
Do you have any suggestion?