linear-gradient on sass

Hello everybody,

I’m modifying the valo theme and to change the grid selection color I’m using this code inside the mixing:

.v-grid-row-selected > .v-grid-cell {
        background-color: #95c11e;
        background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom,#95c11e 2%, #81a61b 98%);
        background-image: linear-gradient(bottom,#95c11e 2%, #81a61b 98%);
        color: #000000;
        border-color: #95c11e;

But the line of “background-image” without “webkit” is not been translated correctly, it deletes the “linear” part of the instruction. See the attachement, it is a capture of the css retriewed by the dev tools on google chrome

So I would like to know why is that happening.

I’m compiling my theme with maven and I’m currently using the vaadin version 8.0.1.

Thank you for your help!

Most likely due to Bourbon (a Sass tool that Valo uses).

You can try replacing linear-gradient(bottom, #95c11e 2%, #81a61b 98%); with @include linear-gradient(#95c11e 2%, #81a61b 98%);.

Or, you can try background-image: unquote("linear-gradient(#95c11e 2%, #81a61b 98%)");.