Use local nodejs


Is there a way to make flow-maven-plugin use local installation of node (available in PATH) instead of downloading it from the internet? I am behind a corporate proxy and can’t download nodejs distribution that flow-maven-plugin wants to use, but I do have nodejs running on my box. So, is there a way to tell flow-maven-plugin it should use that local installation?

Hi there,

Unfortunately there’s no way to force the plugin to use your own node version. I’ve created a ticket about it here (please comment if something is missing):

But you can configure the plugin to properly use your proxy settings: (flow-maven-plugin extends frontend-maven-plugin, so most of the settings are the same).

What is the current status of this issue? How can this be resolved?

I must use a local version of NodeJS (AIX)


Hi, after all this time a big thing happened: Vaadin 14 LTS.

With the new version of the platform, you are in charge of installing and configuring your own NodeJS environment, so you can set it up to fulfill your use cases. More details can be found in the [documentation]

Gilberto Torrezan Filho:
Hi, after all this time a big thing happened: Vaadin 14 LTS.

With the new version of the platform, you are in charge of installing and configuring your own NodeJS environment, so you can set it up to fulfill your use cases. More details can be found in the [documentation]

Thanks, but we’re using Vaadin 14. Yarn, which is being used by Vaadin flow is trying to download packages that are not compatible on a AIX machine. Same for other commands that are being fired through the process of package-for-production: gcc g++ etc.


If you move from the compatibility mode of v14 then Flow will not use Yarn, but node and npm.
Also the goals copy-production-files and package-for-production have been changed with the
goals prepare-frontend and build-frontend.

After following the migration steps to get to a 14 non compatibility mode all bundling and
transpilation will be done using webpack.

  • Mikael