Grid Editor Component with Combo

I have a grid column that gets values from a List and display the data in a Combobox.

The problem is when i get the data from Database and display the data on the grid it is displaying the model and not the value.


		MotivoDAO motivoDAO = new MotivoDAO();
		motivo = motivoDAO.findMotivos();
		ComboBox<MotivoRecusa> recusaGrid = new ComboBox<>("Recusa", motivo);
		recusaGrid.setPlaceholder("Nenhum Motivo Selecionado");
		recusaGrid.setWidth(350.0f, Unit.PIXELS);


		grid.addColumn(new ValueProvider<ItemOrdemNf, MotivoRecusa>() {
			public MotivoRecusa apply(ItemOrdemNf item) {
				for(MotivoRecusa m : motivo) {
					if(m.getMotivoId().equals(item.getRecusa())) {
						return m;
				return null;
		}).setEditorComponent(recusaGrid, new Setter<ItemOrdemNf, MotivoRecusa>() {
			public void accept(ItemOrdemNf item, MotivoRecusa ldt) {
				if(ldt == null) {
				} else {
		.setId("recusa").setCaption("Motivo Recusa").setExpandRatio(4);

The point is this return m;, the corret would be return m.getDescription();. if i change the return to String i start having a lot of conflicts and nothing works, any sugestion?

I recommend to populate your Grid with items that are directly compatible with ItemOrdermNf, so that you can simply add column this way:

grid.addColumn(ItemOrdermNf::getMotivoId).setEditorComponent(recusaGrid, ItemOrdermNf::setMotivoId);

Tatu Lund:
I recommend to populate your Grid with items that are directly compatible with ItemOrdermNf, so that you can simply add column this way:

grid.addColumn(ItemOrdermNf::getMotivoId).setEditorComponent(recusaGrid, ItemOrdermNf::setMotivoId);

This code dont work, because i have a combobox with a description but what is recorded on DB is an ID.