V-Leaflet Editable with drag support

Hi, i’m working on add a drag functionality to v-leaflet-editable. I’ve found this library
and i’ve integrated this in the LeafletEditableClientBundle as in the main example

public interface LeafletEditableClientBundle extends ClientBundle {

TextResource editableScript();

TextResource pathDrag();


The drag functionality works after add the feature to LEditing, but sometimes when i stop the editing the feature return in the previous position after the last drag.

Which can be the mistake?


Not quite sure what could be the issue. Do you have the extension in GitHub so I could take a look at it and debug it?

BTW, if it works well together with Leaflet.Editable, maybe we should integrate that directly to v-leaflet-editable. Might be quite handy and probably not too heavy feature.
