Login configuration in Vaadin/Spring application in JBoss AS 7

I am trying to configure authentication in my
/Spring application deployed in JBoss AS 7, but I cannot find any documentation on this. I’ve managed to configure the application so that only authenticated user can use it. Here is a part of my web.xml:

        <web-resource-name>Vaadin application</web-resource-name>
        <description>The entire Vaadin application is protected</description>
        <description>Only valid users are allowed</description>

Now the application won’t be displayed until the user is authenticated. What I expected was, that the user would be automatically redirected to the login form. I still have to configure the
JBoss App Server
, but cannot find how. I used to work with JBoss 5, where this configuration was done in a login-config.xml file. Does anybody know hoe to configure the authentication REALM in JBoss 7 and make the Vaadin application redirect the user to the login form if he is not authenticated yet? Thanks for your help,
