Unable to use StyleName Finder addon by Leif Astrand


Posting it to the forum as I could not find a way to contact the author directly.

Updated the Maven pom.xml as directed in https://vaadin.com/directory/component/stylename-finder . Did a Clean of the Project using Eclipse and then Maven Build with a goal of jetty:run. Set productionMode to false in MyUI with @VaadinServletConfiguration(ui = MyUI.class, productionMode = false). Tried

I do not see the extra tab in the Debug window when I run http://localhost:8080/?debug. Tried Chrome and IE.

The build log in Eclipse suggests the .jar for the Addon was successfully used. See below:
Widgetsets found from classpath:
org.vaadin.leif.stylenamefinder.StyleNameFinderWidgetset in jar:file:C:/Users/yadgari/.m2/repository/org/vaadin/addons/stylename-finder/1.0.0/stylename-finder-1.0.0.jar!/

What have I done wrong or missed? Why cant I see the new tab on the debug window to select a list of style names as mentioned in the Addon documentation.

Thank you.


I can think of at least two potential problems here:

  1. Your application is not set up to use the widgetst that was compiled based on finding the add-on jar file on the classpath. One way of getting more insights into this is to check the used widgetset name according to the info tab in the Vaadin debug window. If the displayed name ends with DefaultWidgetSet, then this is definately the problem. If it ends with AppWidgetSet, then this is most likely not the problem. If there’s any other name there, then some additional research might be required.
  2. The add-on might be broken with some versions of Vaadin. The mechanism for hooking things up with the debug window are quite hacky. What version of Vaadin are you using?

Hi Leif,

Thank you for your response.

1.The widgetset name accordin to the info tab in the Vaadin debug window is AppWidgetSet.
2. I am using Vaadin 8.1.6
3. I have attached the Eclipse console log.

Any further pointers welcome.
39904.txt (12.3 KB)

It seems like the add-on doesn’t work with Vaadin Framework 8.1 and newer. The most likely reason for this is
which changed the debug window initialization to work asynchronously.

I created
for tracking this issue.

I’ve published a new version of the add-on. Hopefully it works for you now!

Thank you Leif. It works now.