Responsive Design - Burger Menu not shown


I’m using the SideMenu-Addon for Navigation. I’ve got demo app working and added a view. The Sidemenu should be responsive like in the Bakery-App. As far as i know, it should be responsive by default. However, if I resize my website via F12+Google Device Toolbar the side-menu does not change to the burger-menu (options menu), the layout remains.

Sometimes it seems like that the burger-menu is quickly rendered but than replaced with the normal layout of SideMenu.

Any help to fix this?


does this also happen when you reload the page with the mobile-sized view enabled? Depending on the implementation, it might be that the responsiveness is only dealt with during initialization (which is usually enough for real world use cases).


Hello Olli,

yes it is not working for mobile view aswell.

public class MainUI extends UI {

    // View names
    static final String MANDANTENDETAILVIEW = "mandantenDetailView";
    static final String STARTVIEW = "";

    private SideMenu sideMenu = new SideMenu();
    private ThemeResource logo = new ThemeResource("images/logo_simba_portalserver.png");

    Navigator navigator;

    protected void init(VaadinRequest vaadinRequest) {

        navigator = new Navigator(this, sideMenu);

        // Create and register the views
        navigator.addView(STARTVIEW, new StartView());
        navigator.addView(MANDANTENDETAILVIEW, new MandantenDetailView());

        // Set initial view

        sideMenu.setMenuCaption("SIMBA SOFTWARE", logo);

        // Navigation examples
        sideMenu.addNavigation("Start", STARTVIEW);
        sideMenu.addNavigation("SIMBA WEB APP", MANDANTENDETAILVIEW);

    @WebServlet(urlPatterns = "/*", name = "MyUIServlet", asyncSupported = true)
    @VaadinServletConfiguration(ui = MainUI.class, productionMode = false)
    public static class MyUIServlet extends VaadinServlet {


This is my sourcecode so far. The views are designed by Vaadin Designer, following this guide
Adding a view - Vaadin Bakery
. However I’m currently not working with @SpringView or @CDIView.

It’s hard to say what is happening based on the Java code alone. The Designs and your theme also affect things. I think you’ll need to read up on Responsive Theming:

That should get you started on responsive design, at least.


Thanks for the quick response. I’ll try to find out whats happening and post my answer afterwards.

Ok finally I’ve found out why it has not worked. The design is not working for mobile but only for desktop mode.