Custom Theme by using .css

Hello Community,
i implemented a small vaadin project. I use a custom layout as content in myUI.class

CustomLayout content = new CustomLayout("index");

My Index.html consist only a small headline “h1”.

I want to change the color from my headline in mytheme. i want to import a custom css file.
Is there an opportunity to import a css file in mytheme.scss. I need a solution to customize my index.html.

@import "../valo/valo.scss";
@import "website/src/webapp/VAADIN/themes/mytheme/website.css

@mixin mytheme {
  @include valo;


Usually you write the css inline to that mixin, below @include valo. You can import here a SCSS file if you so want, if you modify website.css to a scss file and add also a @include website then within the mixin.

If you really want to include a plain, separate CSS file, you have to do it in styles.scss. SCSS does not allow importing CSS files in nested files (while SCSS is allowed). So move that @import "website/src/webapp/VAADIN/themes/mytheme/website.css into styles.scss (instead of mytheme.scss) and put it to the very first line, before the other imports. Then it should work.


Just to complement the previous answer, you can take a look at the
vaadin docs for creating and using themes
which explain in great detail how things should be done.

Hope this helps,