ComboBox select first item kotlin

I have code in java which wors pretty well: public static void selectFirst(ComboBox combo) { DataProvider dataProvider = combo.getDataProvider(); if (dataProvider != null) { Optional comboValues = dataProvider.fetch(new Query<>()).findFirst(); if (comboValues.isPresent()) { combo.setValue(comboValues.get()); } } } I tried to convert to this method to kotlin and this is what IJ Idea generated

fun selectFirst(combo: ComboBox<*>) { val dataProvider = combo.dataProvider if (dataProvider != null) { val comboValues = dataProvider.fetch(Query<Any, Any>()).findFirst() if (comboValues.isPresent) { combo.setValue(comboValues.get()) } } } But it won’t compile. This is what compiler says:

Out-projected type 'DataProvider<out Any!, out Any!>!' prohibits the use of 'public abstract fun fetch(p0: Query<T!, F!>!): Stream<T!>! defined in' How can this kotlin code be fixed?
Or is there any other way of selecting first item in combobox which can be converted to kotlin?

Well this seems to work:

fun selectFirst(combo: ComboBox<*>) {
  @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") val dataProvider = combo.dataProvider as DataProvider<Any, Any>
  val comboValues = dataProvider.fetch(Query<Any, Any>()).findFirst() 
 if (comboValues.isPresent) { 
   combo.value = comboValues.get() 