RE: Findings and issues on the new

Hi, Michael,

Thanks for taking the time for this! It’s highly valuable for the community. I myself have already fixed a couple of issues with Directory (to be deployed later), and the team is steadily working on fixing all the issues. Thanks again!

I create this entry to have a better way in reporting findings for the new than the comments of the
blog entry

Browser: Chrome 60.0.3112.113


  • While creating this entry the visual editor switched fonts and font-size uncontrolable. see forum_editor_fonts.png. I switched to source code editing.

Addon Directory:

  • When access a addon page by the old deeplink (!addon/chartjs-add-on) the first hightlight image is not immediatly shown. see first_highlight_img_notshown.png (Chrome 60.0.3112.113 )
  • The individual star ratings are gone. see addon_feedback_noratings.png
  • The icon for edge support is not shown. see edge_icon_notshown.png
  • The
    last updated list
    shows multiple entries of the same addon. My guess every single change counts but I was not able to reproduce it. see lastupdate_list_multipleequalentries.png
  • Replies to feedback (ratings) by the author are shown and counted as they root level


  • I tested the new website on a old device (lubuntu) with a current firefox and the webcomponent.js was extreamly slow on that device.

I was not able to create a entry with attachements so they’re here. Browser didnt respond on submit.

  • Browser: Edge → Navigate to: Directory or to Events - (Font-)Icons are not being scaled down.

  • Vaadin Upload not working
    on Windows (Edge, FF and Chrome tested), and some more in depth details
  • As Michael pointed already out when editing Posts in the Forum it is not possible to attach additional Attachements


Another example where edge does not scale down

If you access and choose Vaadin 7 from the combobox nothing happens; to get access to version 7 docs one should first access a v8 page (ie and the use the comobox to change version

I could not find a way to change my E-Mail address of my account. Is that currently not possible?

I have the same issue with the email address. Actually in my case, it looks like my account reverted to an email address I had 2 years ago and I cannot change it.

I added a ticket for this issue. Thank you for the report. Mikko /

Thanks Johannes, all these scaling problems are due to the same issue and you can see it when page is reloaded, except on Frontpage where the issue is not visible. It seems the styles for SVGs are broken for Edge, IE and older mobile Safari. We are working on a fix.

Mikko /

Johannes, Michael thank you. I have added additional information to the already reported “Addon upload not working” issue.

Mikko /

Thank you Michael. I have created an issue for this as well.

Mikko /

Michael, huge thank you! I have files issues for each of the new findings. Some we have already.

Mikko /

This is known. Thanks.

In the forum it’d be good to be able to have a tooltip display the absolute date/time when hovering over the absolute timestamp text.

I’ve also found that the timestamps for each post don’t always load - have added an attachment

Add-on Directory

  • If an author has more than one addon: I open the first addon and want to go to the next by using the link on the first addon’s page. The page doesn’t scroll to the top. It is just replaced on vertical position I currently am. see goto_otheraddon_scrollposition.png

(tested on a IPhone SE ios10)

  • The loading indicator is shown in the second line under the menu icon when I use the site on a smaller screen size.
  • If I go to the docs and click on the menu icon (docs_menu.png) the footer element “jumps” in the middle of the screen. This does not happen during simulating a IPhone 5 with Chrome. see docs_mobile_footer.png



While writing the last few posts the forum feels not really trustworthy. e.g. I had to try twice posting the last reply with attachments.

Please don’t get me wrong but have you ever considered using another forum software?

  • I personally like
    issues for its easy way creating tasks. I’m very well aware that Github issues should
    not replace a forum
    and really understand why only bugs and feature requests should be reported there.
  • Another example is
    I used it in another other open source project it feels great.

Thank you everyone, I have scanned all the reports up to this point. This is amazing support from the community!

Mikko /

Congratulations on the new and sparkly Like the feel of it.
However I noticed some unexpected behaviour in the profile.

  • The “Share & settings” and the “Share my accomplishment” links result in a 404 error page. (share_404.png and share_404_2.png)

  • The “Download as PDF” option from download_as_pdf.png does not work

  • Download as pdf from the certification tab opens the pdf as shown in pdf.png. I don’t know if this is expected behaviour.

I’ll let you know if I encounter something else.


In the edit account, the “job role” and “country” field are empty despite having been filled in previously. Possibly related to the Jerome Meyer’s email problem.