[Vaadin Directory] The Upload is currently not working

When I try to upload a new version of a Addon on my Windows machine (Does not matter if if I drop the new zip file oder select it via the filechooser) nothing happens.
Does anybody have a workarround for this (maybe a fallback link to the old vaadin page)?

Edit: The Problem does not seem to concern Kubuntu / Ubuntu … (Don’t know about MacOS)

Also make sure before updating to replace:

<properties> ... <Implementation-Version>${project.parent.version}</Implementation-Version> ... <Vaadin-Addon>${project.artifactId}-${project.parent.version}.jar</Vaadin-Addon> </properties> with


After applying the fix above and using not Windows it seems to work but:

  • The first time I did this the new version simply disappeared after a few minutes.
  • Also When trying to install the new Version via Maven it’s been shown “This component or version has not been published in Maven.”

Thanks for letting us know!

We are looking at this file chooser issue now. The Maven delay is known issue and is caused by the sync that currently have from Directory and Maven repository. We are also working on that, but it takes bit more effort.

Based on your Maven pom.xml update, you vave different version sin parent and addon modules. Maybe best make sure that you are using the same version numbers everywhere.

Hello thanks for your reply.

I don’t think the problem was the version, it was the same everywhere (See @Github
) but I got a error when trying to upload the older version (which wasn’t a problem before). Uploading the newer version (
Change #
1 and
Change #2
) worked without a problem.

The problem I curently have that it is not possible to download the addon.
When trying to install
my addon
via Maven in the current version 0.8.6 I get an error

C:\Users\Prisma\Projekte\layout>mvn install -U
Scanning for projects…
The project com.test:layout:war:1.0-SNAPSHOT uses prerequisites which is only intended for maven-plugin projects but not for non maven-plugin projects. For such purposes you should use the maven-enforcer-plugin. See https://maven.apache.org/enforcer/en


Building layout 1.0-SNAPSHOT

Downloading: http://maven.vaadin.com/vaadin-addons/com/github/appreciated/app-layout-addon/0.8.6/app-layout-addon-0.8.6.pom
Downloading: https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/com/github/appreciated/app-layout-addon/0.8.6/app-layout-addon-0.8.6.pom
The POM for com.github.appreciated:app-layout-addon:jar:0.8.6 is missing, no dependency information available
Downloading: http://maven.vaadin.com/vaadin-addons/com/github/appreciated/app-layout-addon/0.8.6/app-layout-addon-0.8.6.jar
Downloading: https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/com/github/appreciated/app-layout-addon/0.8.6/app-layout-addon-0.8.6.jar


[/code]Do I need to upload a new version (0.8.7) to make it work? Does my current POM require fixing? Any hints?

Thread can be closed Upload is working again

Uploading new versions is not working under Windows and Ubuntu 17.10 tested under both Chrome and Firefox. After finishing the Upload the Progressbar stays at 100% the upload dialog does not close and cannot be closed by clicking.
Can maybe someone take a look into this?