Move Tab from TabbedPane to Dialog or window

Hi @ll,

is there a way to ‘detach’ a Tab from a TabbedPane into a seperate window or dialog? Some Client-UI have this feature and there a several reasons to do this.

If not, what would be a suggest way to implement it?



You can use BrowserWindowOpener for that, although it will need to be clicked. The same method it uses on the client side can sometimes be extended for more complicated use cases like menu items.



I suppose you could just recreate the contents of the Tab inside a Window object and remove the Tab from the TabView.


Yes, I notice that, but in the next step i would like to have my own browser-tab (at least i wanted this from the beginning). Unfortually I didn’t find a easy smooth way to open a new browser-tab with the same UI (seems not possible)