VisualizationsForVaadin setup with maven

I have added the VisualizationsForVaadin Addon to our project. Unfortanetely this took me two days until it worked properly.
To prevent others from that trouble I will post my configuration.

First of all I created a new widgetset.gwt.xml

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        "-//Google Inc.//DTD Google Web Toolkit 1.7.0//EN"

    <inherits name="com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.DefaultWidgetSet"/>
    <inherits name="org.vaadin.vaadinvisualizations.widgetset.VaadinvisualizationApplicationWidgetset"/>


In my maven pom I have added the following build plugin configuration

                <!--Das GWT Plugin compiliert die zusätlich hinzugefügten Widgets
                von Java nach Javascript -->
                    <extraJvmArgs>-Xmx512M -Xss1024k</extraJvmArgs>
                            <!--suppress MavenModelInspection -->
                            <!--suppress MavenModelInspection -->



At first my widgetset was not compiled correctly. It is already mentioned in the forum, that this is a dependency issue.
I couldn’t find the required gwt-visulization version in any repository so I downloaded the jar and uploaded in manually into our local nexus.

These are my dependencies:





I started the application and I had no errors at all. But the chart wasn’t showing up.
It is only displayed after refreshing from the client side, e.g. by resizing my browser.

I needed to setup the Size of the component and also the Size of the Chart within the component

        // Example from the demo 
        ColumnChart chart = new ColumnChart();
        chart.setOption( "is3D", true );
        chart.setOption( "isStacked", true );

        chart.addXAxisLabel( "Year" );
        chart.addColumn( "Expenses" );
        chart.addColumn( "Sales" );
        chart.addColumn( "Stock" );
        // Values in double are Expenses, Sales, Stock
        chart.add( "2004", new double[]{ 100, 200, 320 } );
        chart.add( "2005", new double[]{ 75, 100, 250 } );
        chart.add( "2006", new double[]{ 32, 234, 75 } );
        chart.add( "2007", new double[]{ 25, 253, 4 } );
        chart.add( "2008", new double[]{ 343, 12, 260 } );

        //You need to set the size!
        chart.setHeight( 400, Sizeable.UNITS_PIXELS );
        chart.setWidth( 400, Sizeable.UNITS_PIXELS );
        chart.setOption( "width", 400 );
        chart.setOption( "height", 400 );

        return chart;

If someone has a better solution for the refreshing problem, let me know!