7.7.7 Widgetset Compile Failing

After updating from Vaadin from 7.5.5 to 7.7.7 our widgetset compile on the CI machine is now breaking. The error is somewhat amorphous and hard to track down.

Failed to execute goal com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin:7.7.7:compile (default) on project ia-webapp: Failed to read module XML file java.io.FileInputStream@d122c5c: unexpected character in markup < (position: END_TAG seen …flexibleoptiongroup.widgetset.FlexibleOptionGroupWidgetset" />\n<<… @56:3) → [Help 1]

build 07-Sep-2017 09:02:30 org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin:7.7.7:compile (default) on project ia-webapp: Failed to read module XML file java.io.FileInputStream@d122c5c

  1. Is there a way to tell exactly what the project/widgetset is that is causing the compile to break?
  2. The same maven build works on the local machine of all developers
  3. A similar project works on the same CI machine with the same set of widgets

I have also looked at this post:
but it is not an 7 → 8 thing AND the build/compile works in other places as already stated.

Thanks in advance for any tips on how to debug this.



How and where do you compile your widgetset?

have you tried to manually compile them. i mean without eclipse /netbean plugin?