Vaadin Liferay Control Panel Addon


I have deployed the vaadin-control-panel-for-liferay add on on Liferay Portal, i then upgraded the Vaadin version to 6.8.1 using the Vaadin Control panel.

I did a recomiplation of all my widgets and redeployed after the upgrade.

When ever I access any of my vaadin portlets i get an error
The requested resource (/vaadin-controlpanel-for-liferay/Vaadin Control Panel for Liferay/invoke) is not available
, though my components are rendered correctly, this error am getting only after doing a upgrade from 6.1.0-ce-ga1 → 6.1.1.-ce-GA2, then did a recompilation.

I also tried redeploying the addon but all in vain?

I am using Liferay Portal 6.1.1-CE-GA2.

Can anyone tell me how to resolve this error.


I’ve the same problem. Solutions?

Same problem

Same problem :frowning:

Same problem, although it works if I have the Vaadin Control Panel added on the same page as my own Vaadin portlet. Can anyone confirm the same behaviour?

Also, this only happens when I’m logged in. If I logout and load the page with my Vaadin portlet no exception is thrown.

My enviroment is a clean install of Liferay 6.1.1 GA2 bundled with Tomcat and using postgres as DB. My Vaadin version is 6.8.3

Edit: I just went trough all the Vaadin versions and the last to work without throwing the exception is 6.7.9. After updating to 6.8.0 or above the problem appears.

create a bug report
about this with the details from this tread and a link to the thread.

I haven’t had the time to write a bug report but I found a sollution if anyone is interested.

The problem is the white spaces used in portlet-name defined in both portlet.xml and liferay-portlet.xml of the Control Panel portlet. For some reason, Liferay tries to use that name to build the url and wont find it due to the white spaces. The same will happen with any portlet you create where you use white spaces in portlet-name (and even hyphens I found out in my testings). Weird thing is it works with no issues using Vaadin prior to 6.8.0 (on Liferay 6.1.1) and it also works on Liferay 6.1.0 with any version of Vaadin.

Anyway, this is how I fixed it:

I extracted the files from vaadin-controlpanel-for-liferay.war

In both portlet.xml and liferay-portlet.xml I canged portlet-name from:

<portlet-name>Vaadin Control Panel for Liferay</portlet-name>



and then I just recreated the new war-file and deployed it to Liferay. If you get errors when redeploying try to completely remove the old control panel and restart Liferay.

Another way of doing it is to download the
Control Panel source
(version 1.0.2), change portlet.xml, and liferay-portlet.xml and rebuild it.

I even upgraded Vaadin in the project (defined in build.xml) to 6.8.4 and recompiled it with no issues