error: isReadOnly() on AbstractComponent & HasValue after no changes


Something so strange just happened, I’ve launched vaadin, I get a wrong typo on a word so I changed it, then compiling for that the server use my modification and … boum :[128,16] error: isReadOnly() in AbstractComponent cannot implement isReadOnly() in HasValue About this method :

private <V, T extends AbstractComponent & HasValue> void setFilter( HeaderRow filteringHeader,
^ is here */ T element,
String column,
V type) {

    element.addValueChangeListener(new HasValue.ValueChangeListener<V>() {
        public void valueChange(final HasValue.ValueChangeEvent<V> event) {




// example of use : setColonneFiltre(topHeader, firstDatePicker, “date”, LocalDateTime.MAX);
: is because I need to ad the element somewhere

: is because I need to set a valueListenner on it

I’ve made this method last week, and I’ve compiled the module avout 100 times, and I just get this error, and I’m 100% sure to have not made changes related to this since the last compilation

So I’ve noooo idea what to do, why this happen and so on ,

I found that both AbstractComponent & HasValue have a method called isReadOnly() so it crashes, i fixed it by keeping one, and casting with the other :

private void setFilter( HeaderRow filteringHeader,
T element,
String column,) {
((HasValue)element).addValueChangeListener(new HasValue.ValueChangeListener() {
public void valueChange(final HasValue.ValueChangeEvent event) {


[/code]and remove V because at least it’s useless because I don’t need the type of the event